Date Dyddiad

28 June 2017

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Mr. David Rowlands AM


Petitions Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA (By Email)







Dear Chair,




I refer to your predecessor’s letter of 21 March, which was not sent to me based upon the email distribution list attached to the most recent correspondence.  Might I suggest that future correspondence is addressed directly to me in the interests of providing a swift reply?


Turning to the substance, I can add little to my letter of 20 January.  Attached to that correspondence was a detailed framework that the Council utilises in these cases based upon the recognised Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice for Wales.  With great respect to the petitioner (and whilst she is entitled to her opinion), I see no basis for her observations that the “system is open to abuse” and “not fit for purpose”.  I do not understand the basis for these assertions and I am left to guess at what specific concerns she may have, beyond her opinion on the inadequacy of funding here and elsewhere.  Moreover, in my previous letter I offered the petitioner the opportunity to meet with Council officers to discuss her concerns.  However, having checked with the relevant staff here, I discover that there has been no contact from the petitioner since before Christmas last year. 


As previously, I also find myself handicapped by the fact that the correspondence from the Minister (to which she refers) has not been shared with us, so I am unable to comment on those aspects.  Indeed, it would appear that the majority of the issues raised by the petitioner in her latest correspondence are again directed at the Welsh Government.  However, the offer from this Council to engage with her still stands.


Yours sincerely,

Steven Phillips

Chief Executive